Blogging had to take a backseat for a little bit as I tended to vanilla matters, but I’m back again.
I recently saw a commercial for an online dating service where the guy claims the 9 gazillion point personality questionnaire used by the service makes them superior to other means of meeting a partner. He says if he met someone through a soccer website, it would have to be the World Cup all year long for them in order for them to have any connection and keep the relationship alive. Hmmmm.
I understand the company is trying to market themselves and highlight what makes them unique, but I find the paid actor’s logic a bit flawed. I’ve been fortunate enough to meet many, many fellow spanking enthusiasts through parties, shoots, and of course, online. We start out knowing we only share this one common interest – spanking. Over time we learn if our viewpoints and roles in spanking play are compatible. And since we humans are not one-dimensional, sometimes we hit it off on other levels as well because we have other shared interests and passions. Just because we meet through the world of spanking doesn’t mean it has to be Spank Fest all the time … or does it?
Do you enjoy or even seek to meet spankos that share other common interests or do you prefer to keep things a bit more separate in your life? Vanilla friends for vanilla interests and spanking friends for Spank Fest only?
Cautiously mixing that chocolate and vanilla goodness
I take caution in mixing my vanilla and spanking worlds since I am not open about my interest to absolutely everyone I know, but I love when a spanking acquaintance blossoms into a well-rounded friendship. It gives us more to talk about and it can even enhance the spanking dynamics. How about you?