Only since having had more opportunities to be the spanker do I understand the occasional desire to implement the crossover move. You know, when the spanker suddenly goes from spanking the girl lying over the knee with his natural dominant hand in the traditional fashion to using the non-dominant hand to continue on without repositioning the girl. I used to think it was just a flashy attempt to be ambidextrous, but now I realize that when playing for a while, the arm is going to grow weak, tired, and possibly become strained. And yet maybe play isn’t ready to end so soon, so there is the temptation to put that non-dominant hand to more work than restraining flailing arms. Once that spanking arm has had a little break, it’s back to full force action!
So I get it, but I’m not necessarily a fan of the crossover in action. It can be done well, particularly if the spanker is truly ambidextrous, but often it’s not. Trying to spank from the opposite angle increases the risk of a smack landing too high and hitting the tailbone or even the lower back. This is especially awful if the spanker is wielding a hairbrush or other implement or he is trying to make up for inherent weaknesses of the underused arm by coming crashing down from maximum height. Even when done well, I find it less pleasing as it’s not the sensible, traditional method and I suppose I’m just a stickler for doing it the ol’ fashioned way.
So why would I even be tempted to engage in the crossover myself then? Hypocrisy much? Well, for the simple reason I stated above – sometimes the arm gives out before the bottom does. So what’s best in that situation? Is it better to keep playing with a crossover fill in move or to call a temporary pause in play to recharge? If up to me entirely, I would opt to pause and move to another position entirely such as a bent over stance as not only will it afford a few moments of recovery, but when play resumes, it’s a different swing using different muscles. That is not always feasible though as sometimes OTK is either the most appropriate or requested and play must carry on in this manner.
What are your thoughts on the crossover. If you are a bottom, do you mind it? If you are a top, do you engage in this practice? And when you watch videos or look at pictures, do you mind if the moved is used occasionally?