We all have our hot button terms and turn off phrases. For example, some love to hear or say the phrase “little girl” when used in the context of a scene. For others, they get totally squicked out or ticked off at the very mention.
I get a little fussy over key words too. Nothing to the point that I’m going to be jarred out of the spanking mindset unless I were to hear derogatory phrases directed at me, but a couple of silly words that for no good reason set my teeth on edge.
Whack - A term to describe a swat. Not really different from smack and not offensive, but it conjures images of careless, wild spanking. Perhaps also reminding me of the term whack job is also off putting. LOL.
Fanny – A term to describe one’s bottom. Now this is awful of me, but it always makes me think of farting. Farting fanny? Not best suited for spanking play. And I know for those from the UK, the term takes on a whole other meaning and let’s just say that while I’m absolutely into spanking, no one will be spanking that part of me.
Those are two of mine. What are yours? I know that spanko is a controversial term. Surely there must be others that grate on you for logical reasons or not. Share your terminology pet peeves.