We all have our own preferences and little particulars that can make or break a spanking photo. I know a certain guy (cough-Windsor-cough) that will rave over a photo taken at just the right angle so that the girl’s face is fully in frame and the crescent of the her spanked bottom is visible rising in the background.
I’ve heard that for others it’s reversed and the key shot is with the bare bottom fully on display and the girl looking back in dismay at the punishment she is receiving.
For me, there is no one particular angle that really does it, but I do find I’m naturally drawn to photos that have excellent overall pleasing composition, are free of clutter and distraction in the background (big pet peeve!), and somewhat believable expressions on the faces of both the girl and the top.
With regard to those expressions, I don’t want to see the girl or the spanker grinning like a loon unless it’s a fun spanking … or the spanker is purely evil and enjoying having to punish. A smirk in a revenge spanking, sure. A Joker style grin in a parental or strict discipline scene? Not so much.
I like to see the girl expressing pain and other appropriate emotions – open mouth gasp and cry, gritting teeth, nervous anticipation. Anything except looking totally bored and yawning, lifeless, or Joker style grin (see above). And while it may be normal to bury one’s face in the pillows or hang the head straight down towards the floor during a a private spanking, I hate to be gypped of facial expressions and potential tears. I like the flip I feel in my tummy when an expression really touches my heart because I feel a strong connection to the girl being punished.
Often it’s a natural reaction to want to look straight at the camera when having a picture taken. And the occasional shot of a girl’s anguish practically shouting “get me out of here!!!” right through the computer screen is endearing. Emphasis on occasional though because for the most part I want to feel as if I’m a fly on the wall and there is no awareness of me as a witness to the spanking. I’m not keen on the spanker looking at the camera at all. Again, I know it’s hard not to because it’s habit, but especially if the spanker is photographed mid-spank, I think he or she should be looking at the target. Have to focus on the task at hand and make sure not to land a spank on the back, hip, or do a total swing-and-a-miss. I enjoy a look of intense concentration on the girl by the spanker to be exciting because it suggests there is a genuine bond and chemistry between the two players. Looking away makes me think they are as bored as a yawning girl.
What are your spanking picture preferences and peeves?