Just today I was informed via text that I’m in for a doozy of a spanking the next time I am in the vicinity of said Ticked of Top (ToT). Of course honestly I don’t think my infraction was all that bad and it’s totally being taken out of context and all in all someone’s fault …. but not mine. So then ToT stated that the other naughty one in question and we will be punished together and we can hold hands. Sweet gesture though I’d rather hold hands while skipping along the sandy beaches or something.
Anyway, I just wondered for those of you who have been threatened promised a spanking, how long do you react to the future punishment with nervousness and anticipation? Do you need it fairly immediately with only the delay possible occurring because you are in public or with vanillas or kids etc but as soon as you two are alone, your ToT is going to deal with matters? Or can you deal with waiting for a punishment day set a week or even a month away? And probably in the meantime add to the list of infractions. Or can you deal with indefinite timelines so as my own example.
I don’t know the next time the spanking stars will align just so for me to meet up and for me to be up for such a spanking but that threat I got today sent chilly waves of dread throughout my body. But give me a few days and I won’t think about it too much as I know the follow through will be a long way off and then I start womdering if by the time we meet next, will he even remember??? Such a minor infraction, such an angelic face as mine , it will long be forgotten. So I quickly slip back into my comfortable state, settle the waves of dread, and go about as if all is well again.
How about you? How do you react to spankings that are promised but cannot be delivered immediately? Are you caught up in thought about them until they come to be or do you nearly forget them until, whoops, hey I’m OTK!!
And I still think there is a section in the spanking handbook vol 3 section 14-a that states that a spanking threat / promise is no longer valid after 4 business days.