I get a fair number of emails and some comments from people seeking advice or having questions about spanking and related topics. I certainly do not pretend to know it all, but as a review of my blogging history would show, I do seem to like to ponder such things a lot.
And one of the things I enjoy most about blogging here has been the sense of community that blossoms within the comments. Sure, sometimes things can way off topic as side conversations wander, but thankfully things have been pleasant 99% of the time with very little bickering.
So this is my idea – if it rocks, it rocks; if it flops, it flops: Have a nagging question that you haven’t seen addressed yet? Send it to my email pixie @ punishedbrats.com and I will select a few to publish in an upcoming post. Similar to a Dear Abby column, “Dear Amber” will protect your privacy and not publish identifying information. I’ll post my response and then the community readers here will also have a chance to offer feedback in the comments section.
Any spanking related topic is open and I’m happy to offer my opinion or experiences on any number of things. I’ve entertained questions in emails on everything from how to broach the topic of spanking with a loved one to methods of nether hair removal. Only things that are off limits are questions that are a little too intimate in nature directed to me in particular such as step by step details of my bedroom activities or my legal name, social security number, and directions to my house.
So send a question if you’d like to have the chance to participate in this little experiment. Be sure to put “Dear Amber” in the subject line so I know it’s intended for the blog.