Lily Anna and I would like once again do a fundraiser to support animal rescue charities. We are currently looking into the best way to accept donations online as that’s often the most convenient method.
In the meantime, I’d like to ask you for ideas on what we can do for a way to say thank you, especially to those that donate. This will be a project done between just the two of us so of course we can spank each other but won’t have other tops to spank us simultaneously. Now of course, that’s assuming that a video or photos would be the best way to say thank you. In past years, it’s always been a video and the number of spanks was in some way determined by the amount of money raised for the charity. The video has then been posted for everyone to see free — but is that the fairest way to go if not everyone contributed? Not sure if there’s a way around that or even if that’s something to fuss over anyway.
So share your ideas please. What would be fun, feasible, (fair?) ways of saying thank you for donations? If it’s spanking related, should the amount raised in some way determine the number of spanks / time / etc and if so how?