I do plan to resume my Dear Amber videos but need to carve out a day to film. And a chunk of time to sift through the submitted questions. I received a ton of questions and comments from a single person under probably fifty or so different screen names. I tried to ignore it at first but I didn’t think it was fair if my Dear Amber responses were being monopolized by one person so I will need to carefully go through them all. It threw me off a bit and the extra work involved has caused me to shelve the videos for a bit, but not for good. Just thought I’d give you an update as to what’s going on and to let those of you who sent in true individual questions are not being ignored.
Today, I have a question for you. I think a fair bit of my true personality as well as life and interests outside of spanking are shared here on my blog. Not everything of course since I want to stay on topic to some extent and also maintain my personal privacy. But people get a feel for who I am beyond just the roles I’ve played in videos.
When I meet someone face to face at a party or for a session, I suppose they get an even better feel for who I am since we have the opportunity to engage in a private conversation. It’s fairly common for people to remark with a bit of surprise that I’m regular person and am just as I present on my blog.
I do understand the almost surreal feeling if our only previous interaction had been limited to my on screen performances and maybe a couple of emails. But I never considered trying to pretend to be anyone else but myself in person. And so I wonder, do you enjoy relating to me as that regular girl next door – one that does mundane household chores, hangs up on automated telemarketers, says please and thank you and isn’t a ceaseless brat, but happens to enjoy spanking? Or is it a letdown to see the girl behind the persona? It’s the little things in conversation such as discussing a common vanilla interest or a mutual favorite family vanilla vacation spot that I might chat about while simultaneously criticize myself in my head for possibly breaking the model mystique.
So tell me, if we were to meet, would you delight in discussing whatever came to mind from spanking to vanilla stuff and back again, or would you prefer to keep matters on a more formal level?