Hmmm … so to use a variant of the blogiversary tradition in which each comment counts for a spank, possibly multiplied by the year, let’s take the total and divide instead!! Variety is the spice of life, you know. So there are currently 63 comments and divided by 4 that would be 15.75. We’ll just round down so as not to have to get too technical and try to get the last swat with only 3/4 of a hand, so that’s 15. Sounds like a deal to me.
For Valentine’s Day (and post-Blogiversary I suppose) I received lots of yummy candy from my sweet hubby.
These heavenly fruit slices and chocolate covered strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries (they are not nearly as photogenic as the fruit slices, but taste equally as good).
Poor hubby though has a man cold (that’s like worse than the bird flu) and isn’t up to doing the blogiversary spanking the past couple of days. It’s always tough to get him to agree to be on camera but I’m certainly not going to push it while he’s under the weather. So either we’ll have to wait a little bit until he’s feeling better or I may have the opportunity to have the traditional celebration with spanky friends. We shall see!