When I was little, I would sometimes lull myself to sleep by thinking up spanking adventures. Not all the time. Other nights I would fall asleep book in hand or review multiplication tables in my head so that I could kick ass on those dreaded timed quizzes. I was still young enough to have magical thinking. I feared my thoughts could somehow float out of my head, up through the ceiling, and be discovered by my parents.
Hey! I was a little kid and I also believed there was a monster under my bed. Actually, after a night of scary movies, the darkness under my bed still kind of freaks me out.
Anyway, the spanking thoughts I had back then were not all that different from the ones I have now. They mostly involved a boarding school environment or maternal spankings even though neither were my own experience. I imagined my friends and myself at the boarding school breaking senseless rules and being caught by a teacher. The maternal scenes in my head never featured anyone I actually knew. They were vague faceless people who lived in a rural area in a bygone era. Maybe a little like Little House on the Prarie but with haughty accents. I don’t fantasize in accents anymore, but pretty dresses and a strict mom with a hairbrush is still a very nice scene in my mind.
Sure, my spanking thoughts have grown and changed over the years as well. Added to favorite scenarios to imagine mysef in or even to get to role play in also include the rebellious teen and errant office worker, but that boarding school theme is still nearest and dearest to my heart.
Did you conjure scenarios when you were a kid? Do you have any that still work for you today?