My mom was in town for about a week to help me out around the house and cook some homemade chicken noodle soup for me. She arrived on very short notice and I had neither the time nor the energy to give the house a thorough vanilla cleansing. I did the bare (ha!)minimum in packing away all the implements in my toy bag, putting the labeled PB editing DVDs in a storage bin, and moved all of the website files to a secure account on my laptop. No worries, right?
Well, my mom says casually one morning, “I took the laundry basket out of your closet and moved that box of … stuff into the back corner.”
That “stuff” would be a box of cute, unworn panties saved or when I can shoot again topped with a cat o’nine tails I’d tucked in there for safe keeping. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat! She didn’t bat an eye though, bless her. I’m sure she just thinks (and correctly so) that my husband and I have a kinky little loving relationship.