You know that old saying “always wear clean underwear … you might get hit by a truck” (or some variation to that effect)? Pretty odd when you really think about it. I mean really, that’s probably one of the last things to be concerned with in that situation.
However, I do suggest you keep your panties in mind should you ever be sent for an x-ray. I learned this the hard way. I had to go for a routine abdominal x-ray recently and assured the tech I had no metal zippers that would interfere with the image. The image was taken and he came back in the room to ask if I had any body jewelry on that would make an unusual pattern. I said I didn’t have anything pierced by my ears. And then he asked if I had anything metallic on my underwear.
Cue me blushing the shade of ripe tomato. I’d forgotten I was wearing a pair of cute panties with the words “Spank Me” written in rhinestones across the back and apparently they showed up clearly on the x-ray.
I’m sure I’m not the first person who’s done that, right? Right???? Sigh.